Headlights in cars have interesting theories. People have suggested that headlights are a sexually feminine trait due to a scene in Cars 1 where two fans of Mcqueen "flash" him with their headlights, which results in him reacting in an aroused way. This doesn't make much sense because just before that scene, we see a cop car flashing McQueen to threaten him. This means that flashing headlights at someone with high beams could mean several things based on the context. Based on context, flashing in the car universe could be something inappropriate. So, headlights are natural and functional, but depending on the context, they can be inappropriate. But that's just one of the theories; another possibility is that these specific cars have unique headlights that would reveal and close. So, that could be a sexual trait for these cars. Another theory could be that headlights are sexually neutral and functional, but when cars flash high beams on someone, that would deem them inappropriate and sexual. The topic of what makes a car attractive in the car universe is weird, and I don't think I'll be getting into that topic.